the world of truth


Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness/ written by Enlightened Master on Monday 3.30.2015

Very important Update: The Presence of the Oneness

News from the inner realm:

Our universe Long time ago was Light , and at a certain point, the Dark started to exist,  and affected the Light ......From that time; the universe was undergo to the duality [Polarity ] of The Light & Dark ....

The Light played his role in preventing and counteracting the dark,, and many Races had gathered to do this mission, until the GFL was formed {The Galactic Federation of Light} 4.5 Million years ago.....and lately at the timing of earth since 2003; the Oneness Conscious began to spread in the universe & to affect all the sectors, and began to grow more and more, began to affect the Light & Dark and began to contribute to solving the main problem dramatically in this universe..

In 2010 earth Time,,,,,, The oneness conscious became an Oneness School, and began to coordinate the relations between the Light & Dark… One of this school’s  effects on the light is to contribute in creating something called Confederation at the higher levels of the Galactic Federation, , which was already exist in the Federation before that, but was related to the Light... and after The Oneness School ; this Confederation began to follow the Oneness Consciousness,   and this in turn has contributed to the compromises of the Leaders of the darkness to deal with the Confederation , where {The Dark}  had a great objection to the policy of the Light , and consider them their polarity and not the representatives of the Source.

That’s why since 2003 ; you started seeing  a big signs of major changes on the situation for the whole story, and a great achievements began to happen through the Light sectors…

Since then; 2010, the people of earth started to hear the surrendering of the big leaders of the dark forces, and their joining to the Light...this means ; they became followers to the Confederation “The Oneness School” who are at the top & the highest level of the GFL...

The presence of this Oneness School in the local universe was in the “inner realm” , and after that,  it appeared to the outside through the Confederation, and then the Council of the Central Sun sent representatives of the oneness consciousness races, of the races who are around the Central Sun, in order to carry the Flag of Oneness 13th in this local sector of the universe…. and the presence of these races in this local area, began appear  through Big Mother Spaceships  in 2012…  [The meaning of No.13th is the ultimate will of the Source…]!

Since that time 2012; the Confederation began to follow these Races {The Flag of Oneness}, and The Flag of Oneness gave Time Limit to the GFL to end their mission with the dark [between 2012 to 2015], and since 2012, these races appeared physically through their Mother Spaceships and started witnessing what is going on without any interference,, and these spaceships were seen by the/ Dark & Light forces, and even by the black Cabal on earth..

In 20th of March 2015; The Council of The Central Sun had sent a huge Merkaba, called [ The Blue Dark Merkaba ] from The Central Sun , through the inner realm to this local area, in order to represent the embodiment of the Conscious Oneness of the Divine,  under the Flag of Avatara 13th , in order for the Races who carry the flag oneness to follow him..

Today 3.30.2015 the Time Limit for the Light & Dark Sectors has ended.. and from now on all the sectors of Light , confederation and  oneness races will follow the ultimate will of the source which represented by / The Blue Dark Merkaba - Avatara ; which started from today to launch itself in the physical plane around the solar system to follow up all the missions that related to: Open Portals, Vortex, Network energy,  star gates , plasma plane and any orders that require to end the Game,, announcing the entry of the period of transition & the presence of the Consciousness Divine and his will into this area..

When & how this game will end is related completely to the will of the consciousness of the source..


Enlightened Master & Blue Flare


The ascension process and the entry into the 4th & 5th dimensions

Part 1 : The implants, the event, 4th D, Activate the DNA

Part 2 : Ascension process, 4th & 5th dimensions , Abilities

From the Enlightened Master & The Blue Flare 


Interview with the enlightened master about the current situation by/the blue Flare on 22nd of March 2015

More clarification about the current situation:

Q/BF: People need to know more details about the current situation of the Cosmic Anomaly & the Chimera Group...Specially; after the last update of Cobra and your last update.., as people understand from Cobra’s update that the cosmic anomaly is not healed yet, and you mentioned in your last update that the cosmic anomaly is completely healed…can you explain that?

A/ E.M: People should know that each of us is responsible for his update, and that none of us is responsible for the other updates

Q/BF: Could you please explain to us from your point of view about what Cobra mentioned in his last update regarding the anomalies?

A/E.M: Cobra mentioned an amazing information about  the history of the anomaly in general, of all its kinds, but not the current situation of the cosmic anomaly, he mentioned the current situation of the network of plasma implants ,, that’s why people were confused, because they didn’t pay attention to what he said..

Q/BF: you mentioned that there are kinds of anomalies; is it possible to tell us what types of anomalies are there?

A/E.M: First : Cosmic anomaly: there are three cosmic anomalies:  the first one is not related to our universe; which is between the 7th and the 8th universes... very few of people who know about it.., the second one is between the mental realm and the wisdom realm; “which means between the self & the higher-self” , and the third one is between the physical plane & the ethereal plane..

Second:  Anomaly of Plasma plane …   
Third:  The Technology of anomaly & implants..

Q/BF: Can you explain to us about them and what is the relationship between the three of them?

A/E.M: The First one is " The Cosmic anomaly " happened from the beginning of the creation, and this anomaly means the problem that happened for the Cosmic Fabric of Time &Space during its creation...

The second one is “the anomaly of Plasma Plane” is an anomaly that was manufactured and not of the nature of the Cosmic Fabric...but it relies in its manufacturing on the Cosmic Anomaly ; which means that the Dark forces used the cosmic anomaly and had manipulated with it, and established through it the Plasma Plane.. So the plasma plane derives its strength from the cosmic anomaly, and if the cosmic anomaly is healed, so the plasma plane will become very weak...

The Third one is "the Technology of the anomaly, & implants ": this technology had manufactured to support the plan process of the plasma plane , like : the technology of the veil  & the technology of the implants in the energetic system of the human beings … all these kinds of technologies derive  its strength from the plasma plane..Finally: I would like to say that there was a series of development on the anomaly issues…

Q/BF: So what is the current situation of each anomaly you mentioned?

A/E.M: Both Cosmic anomalies that related to this galaxy; which are between the Mental & the wisdom realms, and the one between the physical & the ethereal realm are now healed completely from the Inner Realm …. And from the Outer as Fabric of Time & Space, the one between the physical & the ethereal realm is still affected by the plasma plane..

Regarding the plasma plane: it became very weak... because of the healing of the cosmic anomalies, and the last remained point for them is the strengthen point (the center) but day after day this center start weaken, because the energy network is under completion on one side, and from another side, there is a process of cleansing that GFL is working on it now..

And finally the technology of the anomaly & implants: a large section of it was dismantled, and the last section of which, will end with the end of the plasma plane...

Q/BF: what about the current situation of the Chimera Group?

A/E.M: there is no Chimera Group without plasma plane…. when the plasma plane collapsed, the Chimera Group will fall…. and what remains for the chimera group from the plasma plane now is a big computer system in the Center of the Plasma Plane; which the GFL is trying to penetrate now., and the chimera group is in an attempt to defend itself only..

Q/BF: What about the period that you mentioned between “12th -20th of March 2015”?

A/E.M: it needs a lot of explanation that we will clarify in the coming update,  but we can say that the Date of 20th  of March 2015 represents the end of all old plans,,,  and things have reached the physical plane....We are now entering in the period of transition shift in the physical plane...

Q/BF: thank you E.M for your great efforts to explain to people what is happening right now, especially with the differences of the language, whereas your mother language is not English...

A/E.M: thank u...


Some of clarifications about the Avatara / written by the Enlightened Master on 19th of March.2015

I will add some clarifications about the Avatara:

Avatara is a divine being prepared to be the embodiment of the consciousness of the divine at the physical level at the right time…

As for all those whom I mentioned that will return to earth , yes they will return as ascended masters after the event, however; the embody of Avatara is not due to any Old TimeLine, It is an event node in the new TimeLine….. in other words, there was more of a plan of the TimeLine at the end of time (End of the Circle), all these plans have been canceled, and the new TimeLine exceeded all the old plans, it is the TimeLine of Oneness and not of Light or Dark…. for this, there will be embodied of the consciousness divine for the first time after 12 Circles (around 316.000 years ago ) and this new Circle will be the 13th one……

In the old cycles, there was the embodiment of the divine consciousness, but only for the feminine Or masculine, through Shiva & Vichnu, But now it will be for the two of them together as ONE…. so at the right time we will expand the talk about the Avatara .

* Avatar    means the one who reach the ascended master level and above in the higher – realm

*Avatara    means that he is the master of all avatars



The current situation & the Presence of the Divine Consciousness / written by the Enlightened Master on 18th of March.2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine conscious
The cosmic anomaly is healed completely, and the test to pass the pulse through it was successfully done...

The universe with its new fabric of Time & Space works with all its energies...

The veil is surrounded with Light and waiting for your hearts readiness, to announce the breakthrough...

The Dimensions and the 7 realms are alignment...

The fleet of confederation stands ready, waiting for the sign...

The Force of Darkness became fully aware of its not strong enough to cheesed, and they are invited to return to the river of eternal Light, to complete the joyous...

The pulse of Solara tries to adapt & be alignment with the Center of Gaia...

The events in the sky stand ready to embody in the ground world, in the physical dimension...

Don’t follow the Time, but follow the pulse of your hearts …. The term {When} means: when the pulse of the sky is alignment with the pulse of the hearts of people on earth...

The Word of the Avatara {the embodiment of the Divine consciousness}which was launched today by him:

The Infinite & Eternal Devine Light began flow from the Center of the Eternal Consciousness, of the center of this galaxy, as the first delicate launch {the test of passing the pulse} , to touch the thirsty hearts to merge with the Eternal Light, and this is in the period between 12th -20th of  March 2015, so as to contribute in the preparation of the hearts, to the great contact at the time of the event;  that’s why you people feel full eminence of tolerance, and have the desire of fresh start  for the new era.. leaving behind you all the hassles and loads of the Dark Era.. ….. The Light of tolerance and forgiveness will be the Boat of Light which will take you to the Land of Light...

This delicate sense, will develop into a big meanings in your hearts, and each of you will aware of it on his own way, it is the sensation in the embodiment of the Divine Light in your earth. This sensation will knock on every door, the doors of hearts to enlighten them….

so for those who are from the Christian consciousness will feel the return of Jesus, and for those who are from the Mohammadi consciousness will feel the return of his Light at the end of Time, and for those from the theology consciousness will feel the Masaya. And for those who are from the spiritual awareness schools will feel Vishnu & Shiva... And for those who are from the mystery schools consciousness will feel the return of Gods...

Every way of all above, have their reasons in a way to express themselves..

This delicate sensation which will knock the hearts is the embody of the Divine Consciousness among you, it is the embody of the Oneness inside the heart ;which was created for this will not be a repetition on any of the old things, and will not be aspiration for anything modern, .but it is the Presence of Now in Union with the consciousness Center...

When your hearts become ready to meet him, he will come and his sign will come with him, announcing The Day of Meeting, the day where the sky and the earth will be ONE..

The readiness is not to know Him, but through knowing who you really are, at this moment, the drop will return to the ocean, and you will leave the world of dreams through the presence of your hearts..

The event is: the readiness … the event is: the beginning..

With Eminence of Love, I will leave you in peace...



Quick The Enlighened master on 10th of March 2015

 Quick update..

- We reached a state of energy that allows us to activate the
   manifestation law...

- All the timelines are ready now to integrate into one timeline..
- The obstacles and borders began disappearing between dimensions..
- Liberating the "hostages" in the solar system at its peak...
- The rift between the physical and ethereal planes {cosmic anomaly}
   begin to recover and need little 

- The necessary preparations for the reception of the event from inside
   the earth are at its peak...

- We are very close to the phase of remarkable changes..

The real meaning of the event!!

-The event is to liberate the fallen planets from slavery, and put them on the evolution timeline to continue their path to higher dimensions...

-The event is returning you to the real life and to the sovereignty of freedom...

- Life after the event radically different from all what you are doing now. None of before the event will move to after the event, even if the names were similar...

- The event is not the era of the restoration of money... Money after the event is a temporary solution to your life, until the technology overwhelms your life, to provide you with all what you want...and after that you can regain your ability of creation...

- all what you know about your Psychological, emotional, mental, social, scientific and intellectual affairs s before the event, were just systems “whatever expanded its borders” to undergo to the domination system, and to keep you in a low vibration.. And after the event you will learn for the first time the real meaning of your emotional, psychological, mental, social, scientific and intellectual affairs…

- The event is opening the door to return you to the great race with other civilization for learning and developing...

- The event paves your path to the ascension, and the ascension is another matter, it is a progress of awareness to know the truth of your existence, to live up among civilizations... and the ascension process requires getting rid of ignorance and not to comply with the domination system..
