the world of truth


The Opening of the Gate, " Gateway 13th, by the Enlightened Master on July 13, 2013

The Opening of the Gate!
Gateway 13th

From 3rd of July until 5th of July 2013….There was a TEST on the Blue flare energy in our planet, and it has been allowed the flow of the light photon which related to this energy into our planet… This photon works on influence the cells of our bodies to move from carbon to crystal, which means the beginning of activating the light body…

Also this energy contributes in building & activating the New Network Electromagnetic Energy of Earth, which allow the development of the Tele-portal “Bi-located” for people on this earth from any point to another through the physical body. This process is tested now on the level of consciousness, and who can feel it those with higher consciousness, and who are equipped and ready to move to the 5th Dimension...

After this process to be completed on the physical level of the bodies, the next phase of it will be a complete transformation into the light body for people of the 5th Dimension & above, and this will happened after the completion of splitting the Timelines & the occur of the great event..

After the occurrence of the great event, the people of the seventh earth of 4 Dimension “This earth” will continue their own development through various programs of [Free energy, New Technology] and this will be led by GFL & Ascended Masters...
After the Great Event, people of the 5th Dimension & above will continue their journey in their worlds and dimensions; this is after they completed the process of ascension through transforming into the light body. Some of them will return back to this earth as Ascended Masters to help their brothers in the process of evolution and ascension...

The Event [Separating the Timelines]
Of the obvious things so far, that this event will be through Pole shifting, that would be at the level of the magnetic field of the earth, which means energetic transformation for earth and NOT physical, as the direction of the compass will be changed, so the East will become West as direction and not moving places, where it will affect the climate dramatically and begin new changes to the Map of the earth at the level of Geophysical gradually over the coming years..


As this happened to earth, it will happen to the qualified people of the 5th D & above, by reversing the polarity of their own aura which complete for them the transformation process to their own Merkaba “ the light body “..

This “Pole shifting “happens through increase in emissions of the blue flare energy and its photon on planet earth and its center, where it will come to an extent of completion the 5th dimension energies on this earth , and build its own Merkaba..

On 9th of July 2013, The Green Light was given to the blue flare energy to flow into the earth and its center “ The End of Test” , and these emission will increase gradually..
On 22nd of July 2013 , this energy will be able to open the star gate 13th which in turn will begin to prepare the people of the 5th Dimension & above to leave and transform in stages..
On 29th of July 2013 , the Merkaba of this earth began to interact and will be completed on 12th of August 2013…

after this date 12th of August 2013, everything will be different completely..
Regarding Planet x “Nibiru”:

Many spoke about the role of Planet x Nibiru in the events of Pole Shifting, so from my perspective; I think that Planet Nibiru will help in the polar shift through his energies & his proximity to the Earth’s Orbit , to help her transforming into the 5th Dimension and not to do serious damage over the entire planet earth, Because the meaning and the origin of the divisions of the 4th Dimension into Seven Timelines as consciousness, is for rehabilitation and re-completion of the remaining lessons..
as we said earlier, the lowest earths [from 1st to 4th earth of the 4 dimension], will experience major catastrophes... and the higher earths [from 5th earth to 7th earth of 4 Dimension] will experience less catastrophes... and the least will be the 7th earth of the 4 dimension, in order to complete the process of change and transformation...

So planet Nibiru will help to shift in this earth [the 7th earth of 4 dimension] and will not destroy it.. But in other earths “from 1- 4th earths’ “it will do something by reversing the polarity at the energy level and physical together..
But here on this earth “the 7th earth” it will be on the energy level only and The physical will be little by little over the years..
Do not forget that people of this earth “the 7th earth of 4 Dimension“ they have one step to get to the 5th Dimension, but they need a little of push for the change, and this will be through little catastrophes, resulting from the transformation process, and then continue their own development..

love, light & peace

Written by / The Enlightened Master
Ibrahim Hassan

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