The blue Pulse and the now moment
Each timeline carries within it “future and past”, and those future and past are moving horizontally in each timeline. as if there is a line in front of your eyes and the right side of that line is the future, and the left side is the past, all the micro and the Nano seconds of that timeline are related either to the past or to the future ,, and at a specific point of that timeline there is a point that works like a gate & a Zero point energy, this point works like an exit point and elevator to exit from this timeline to move to another timeline in another dimension , this gate point is not specific in the middle of that timeline , but it’s there in that timeline between past and future, and the main element that effects “ when that point be aligned for us and worked as elevator to send us from dimension to dimension” [ascension] is the now moment,, also our consciousness in that moment…
each gate point of any timeline is connected vertically with the same gate point of the above timeline.. and its continue like this until you reach the 13th dimension which is the Central Sun.