the world of truth


A consciousness vision of the current situation ..written by/The Enlightened Master Ibrahim H.on 31st of July 2013

A consciousness vision of the current situation

Witness and Vision from outside the Circle

- The Light Forces see that the event will be globally, and ignored the Realistic of the Dark Forces on the ground, and ignored that not all human consciousness is ready to ascend...and they talk about Comprehensive Golden Age...

- The Dark Forces are fighting with all its power to bring the New Order World, and ignored the Light Forces on the Ground, through betrayal them and drained the time, and they ignored the Great Awakening “not consciousness” by the communities…

- Populations, who are not awakening, ignored the presence of both {The Light Forces & The Dark Forces}, and also ignored the truth that inhabit behind the-scenes...
The awakening populations are demanding the Golden Age & the truth, and they ignored the ascension & the necessary consciousness for that ascension...

- The readiness groups to ascend to the 5th Dimension, align themselves with the Light Forces, and ignore the Dark Forces and their ability to manipulate the Ground...

- The readiness groups to ascend to the higher dimensions above the 5th Dimension, see from all directions, but feels that humanity has failed to achieve the Mass Ascension & build the Golden Age on this earth [ and this is true to some extent ], and waiting for the MPR or HAARP..

- Looking from outside the circle, means to look “from & to “all parties and their roles, without exception.. Since its been decided to separate the 4th Dimension into 7 earths and 7 levels on May 18th 2013, this means the collective consciousness did not meet on a certain thing, as there is no need to split or divide if the collective consciousness met on a certain thing, in this case the result will be: One Time Line (and this what the Light Forces still see “the Golden Age”)..

And if the collective consciousness lost completely to meet on a certain thing, so the result will be as well: One Time Line (and this what the Dark Forces see so far, and they want the New Order World)... However, since the Collective consciousness did not meet on a certain thing and did not lose everything, so there should be “the Division”, and this means that each category goes to the Time Line which is corresponds to the nature of their consensus...but here there must be a separation “Splitting “before each category goes to its own Time Lines in order to face its fate…

So things are as follows:

The earth which we live in {The 7th level of the 4th Dimension- Our Earth} has several Groups & Levels of awareness:

* There are “Above 5th Dimension, 5th Dimension, the 7th level of 4th Dimension, the embodied images “the Patterns”...Therefore the opportunities will be given to each category to prove what they want to achieve, in order to add that to its credit when it goes to its own Time Line, and not to be injustice at the level of individual consciousness, even if it hasn’t been able to achieve that at the level of Collective Consciousness...

So the Final scenario would be within the following factors:

  • The Light Forces will be provided with the Time to achieve what they want, but not on a Global Level “because the Collective Consciousness did not achieve that result “.
  • For the Dark Forces, their dream will be vanished to establish the New Order World...and they will play on the choices of Collective Consciousness which is {the unwillingness of people of confrontation the Forces of Darkness and see the truth “… which would force the Dark Forces to clash with the Light Forces in their last hit, and they will lose that battle and they will be revealed, and the facts will be unfold, and thus the Light Forces has harvested its position..( the final hit for the Cabal will not be through HAARP, because it exhausted this option in the Lower level of 4th Dimension [ from 1-6 levels ] & as a result of the desire of some categories to fight them as is happening in Egypt and other countries )..
  • The Divine will end this issue by splitting “through the MPR” this reality on this earth, and each of the categories forwarded to its reality that requested by their consciousness as follows:
  1. The Light Forces will remain in this earth for the building of The Golden Age with the people of this earth { at the consciousness level of the 7th earth of the 4th dimension}, and it is the so-called “the evolution age”, and the step ahead of them in the future is the Ascension..
  2. The Dark Forces back down to the lower levels of the 4th Dimension with category of humans “which is the embodied images {the patterns}...
  3. People of the 5th Dimension go to the new earth of the 5th Dimension with help of GFL “Galactic Federation of Light”, and they will help them as well to ascend through their advance technology to build (the Light Body).
  4. People of the above 5th Dimension, will be transformed through {Natural Ascension} into (the Crystal Body), " before OR during Or after the MPR", and they will join their own dimensions, and some will return to help in the 5th Dimension’s earth & this earth as new ascended masters..


When we said that the Light Forces will be provided with the Time, we meant by time” several levels”:
from now until August 12th 2013, or until August 22nd 2013, and finally to September 21st 2013...[The ratio of the strongest to occur is the closest ratio...] with an emphasis that the critical period is between Now until August 12th 2013, but the time which sets by the Divine to terminate the matters of this earth will be maximum in September 21st 2013 ..

So August 12th 2013 is the day where the alignment will be completed, and the Star Gate 13 will be completed as well, and [the periods to August 22nd 2013 & to September 21st 2013] will be used if there were issues related to radical changes and if it is useful to the ascension process, if there is need for it...

If you want to see the truth, you must be outside the Circle, and see from all aspects, and do not exclude anyone, with this, the dreams melt and the facts remain, and the false hope will be ended...

Written by / the Enlightened Master
Ibrahim Hassan

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